10 January 2019 06:07

| sorry new member here but i cant seem to earn choon credits...spotify works well and im logged into choon also..am i missing something?
23 July 2018 17:02
| Don`t Choon credits count towards your total? In other words I don`t see these in my Standard Credits total>"Choon Credits Unallocated: 157"
04 September 2018 08:13

           | You earn "Choon Credits" when you listen rather than standard credits. All new sources that now get added have their own credit as it is unfair to be able to earn on one that doesn`t pay out in crypto and use it for another that does. |
| 29 July 2018 15:19
    | I know we`re supposed to listen for the sake of the music and that listening based on "credits" is not nearly as worthy but still a credit would help my desire to do it. | |
03 August 2018 04:44

| Hi, I tried a few times but can`t add the dsound track https://dsound.audio/#!/@xenberg/20180803t030525061z-the-takeoff to my rotation (it just won`t add it). Am I hitting a track-add limit here?
04 September 2018 08:12

           | To be honest dsound is really temperamental and I am considering removing it anyway. I would recommend you join our Discord and submit your tracks there as we all support each other that way now. |
| 03 August 2018 05:02

         | Oh, just saw the note about 2 dsound tracks maximum? Actually, it appears that it did let me add 4. | |
07 July 2018 04:07

| Hi John. Spotify tracks are not playing through my Spotify mobile app when selected in ACR. Is this a bug or just an issue with my Spotify app? I`ve uninstalled and reinstalled it but no change. Cheers - Dave
25 May 2018 15:28

| Hi,
My name is Joe and I`m a new member here. I love the whole concept of this site. My question is this: I`ve got 30 credits allocated to various Youtube videos and Spotify tracks of mine but they`re not being played/viewed and it`s been about a week without any activity. How often can I expect a track or video to be put in rotation? Is there a step that I`m missing? Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks, - Joe
25 May 2018 18:43

Joe Uzzo
      | Hey Juxta. Thanks for the quick reply and for being so helpful! I`ll be sure to add some Soundcloud and Choon links. Cheers!
-Joe |
| 25 May 2018 16:20

           | Hi Joe. First of all "welcome". Certain channels work better than others and the more tracks you have in rotation across the most channels will give you the best play rate. Unfortunately YouTube and Spotify are 2 of the least popular so I would recommend you add some SoundCloud and sign up to Choon and add some of those too. Musicoin is also popular but they have been working on their site recently so you may experience some issues. | |
05 May 2018 16:55

| I have joined pro via paypal but it has not registered ie it keeps asking me to do it again
08 May 2018 12:59

           | For some reason you already had an account from a while ago and it had been set to inactive. Not sure if a payment failed to go through or something. Anyway I have activated it for you again so it should be working fine now.
Sorry about that. | |
23 April 2018 19:50

| Tried to play some Musicoin tracks on here, the tracks didn`t actually start/play, but I still got 3 Musicoin credits without even listening to anything, just wanted to let you know
24 April 2018 15:07

       | Ahh OK, not a bug then, it just didn`t seem right that I got credits without listening to 30 seconds because the play buttons didn`t work, but I only just discovered Musicoin from this site, so wasn`t sure. Hopefully Musicoin will improve over time. |
| 24 April 2018 13:56

           | Thanks. That is the way the system works right now as I can`t actually tell if a track has played. Musicoin will be releasing an "API" at some point and then I will be able to have more control over the player. | |
13 April 2018 00:38

| Well I`ve listened to tracks on the soundcloud part of this site. I`ve posted my track on the soundcloud part of this site...... I got up to 38 credits and then went away to do some work in the studio. Came back now several hours later and see no change at all in my credits. ..... At this rate it looks like this is a day off... or is the party on this soundcloud site done and everyone has gone home?? I keep thinking I didn`t follow the get started steps correctly? But I can`t see where I missed anything required. Any ideas what might be wrong??? Got a trouble shooting guide somewhere on this site??
12 April 2018 14:25

| Why do some tracks have an error message below them??
06 April 2018 11:51

| Hey John
Should I be seeing some BTS in my account now?
Dave (41South)
07 April 2018 20:15

41 South
      | Ok....cheers |
| 07 April 2018 08:50

           | Hi Dave,
I checked the reports and you hadn`t listened to the minimum amount of 10 on the relevant days.
Please look at the instructions each day as things will change as we move forwards with the token launch. | |