29 March 2018 13:55

| Very minor thing, but it confused me a couple times so wanted to let you know. The w3-top div is a bit too tall once I start scrolling down on screens on this website, which prevents me from clicking dashboard content links that are visible right under the blue header bar but protected from clicks since w3-top is hovering over them. This happens in Chrome.
05 April 2018 06:25

           | Thanks Andy. I had noticed that when scrolling if you don`t scroll all the way back up to the top.
Will look into this at some point but as you can imagine there are more exciting things to work on at the moment. :-) | |
04 April 2018 08:39

| Hi, I get a warning and I get all my credits reset. Why? I just relpoad the page manually due to musicoin player bad behaviour. can you help me please?
05 April 2018 06:24

           | I have sent you a private message. | |
04 March 2018 12:38

| Hiya. I`ve just paid to become a Pro member (£1 is awesome value BTW). Unfortunately, after Paypal made the payment (it has been deducted), it tried to pass me onto another URL which crashed out with a 404-Not Found error and my account is still set as a free account, not Pro. Have you any idea what may have happened?
Christine (TransSonix, ID:5883)
05 March 2018 12:57

  | Thanks Juxta. I didn`t realise I had a sponsored play so, bonus :) but, yes, everything seems to be fine. Thank you for providing such a wonderful site. |
| 04 March 2018 17:05

           | Hi Christine, I noticed your payment come through and set this up for you. I see you have had a sponsored play already so I guess everything is OK now? | |
26 February 2018 18:01
| Hello,
Does anyone know why my tracks are not getting played?
The Spotify links have been up for well over a week but not one has been played. I keep listening to more music and accruing more credits but I keep seeing the same handful of artists. Is there a waiting period or something I have to do before my tracks appear for other users to listen to? Or is nobody listening?
03 March 2018 21:16

           | At the moment most of the action is on Musicoin. People have realised that they can get paid for their art so obviously a lot have moved over from SoundCloud.
I would recommend you apply for Musicoin and get your tracks added there. You will get plenty of plays and get paid when your tracks are streamed too. |
| 03 March 2018 18:29
    | Hey juxta,
I uploaded a few SoundCloud tracks as per your suggestion but still don`t seem to be getting any plays. What`s going on? |
| 28 February 2018 02:15

       | 10-4, juxta. And I was just kidding about "currency," haha. Just being a bit cheeky since credits do have that one purpose. :) Sorry--I know with the Musicoin conversations it might have taken on additional meaning. Thanks for responding to everyone! |
| 27 February 2018 05:06

           | Spotify is very slow. The problem is that the Spotify embedded player that they provide is not very good so people give up.
Right now Musicoin will give you the most plays followed by SoundCloud.
The credits you earn here are not a currency they are just used to put your tracks in play rotation.
Thanks! |
| 26 February 2018 20:20

       | Was wondering the same thing. Only got into the "rotation" today, but have seen some of the same music come around a lot while none of my credits are being deducted. What else would I use all this currency for? :) | |
21 February 2018 15:26
| John on dsound I see no way to vote-yet
27 February 2018 05:07

           | I haven`t added it yet. | |
14 February 2018 18:56

| Hi Friends; I have tried to make a Spotify playlist - I think I did something in error on the first try? The second try looks correct but I cannot delete the first one. Could you help? many thanks;Jeff ID: 4505
16 February 2018 15:33

Jeff Chipman
     | Problem solved! thank you! |
| 16 February 2018 06:19

           | Ah OK got ya!
When you said "make a Spotify playlist" you confused me :-)
I will look into this. |
| 15 February 2018 22:26

Jeff Chipman
     | The message i get when trying to delete the playlist is: Error deleting track. Can`t find record with ID=4505, URL=1221398077/playlist/6jGSdPORDGooaBK3siPQH1 |
| 15 February 2018 19:28

Jeff Chipman
     | Hi Juxta- I go to "My Details" (on This website -not on Spotify)and I show 2 spotify playlists --but the first one is full of error messages and will not delete. Hope that is clear--Thanks!! -jeff |
| 15 February 2018 06:12

           | Please explain in more detail. A playlist on Spotify? | |
26 January 2018 15:59
| I`ve no idea how you would go about requiring a level standard but I`m constantly seeing/hearing tracks with really, really low level. They are so low I need to bring my listening level up and if I`m not quick enough the next track might well blast me and make the cones pop out of my speakers (and ear drums!) This is infuriating to me and almost (and pardon my using the phrase) to the level of negligent behavior. There should be some standard or some form of audio limiting at ACR that brings the level of tracks up if sufficiently low. In my productions I find myself in situations where a level at the beginning of a song might not be hot enough so I "cheat" it up a bit and very slowly bring it back down so as not to be noticed. Now that`s not to say that everyone should do that but they should have some awareness of what they`re presenting to the world and what might be caused by it. Is this even possible for you to do?
31 January 2018 18:14

           | I could only do that if I came across the tracks that have the problem and I must admit I have hardly ever found any like it.
On the odd one I just skip rather than turning my volume up. |
| 31 January 2018 15:52
    | I understand John but I will say that I do think that you have some control-control in the form of constructive advise. Perhaps a note that suggests that people take a look at their levels and make a comparison to what else they might hear/see on this site. or something to that effect. |
| 31 January 2018 15:50
    | Wud-I have made those suggestion perhaps not as gently as you would suggest but I think/hope just short a sweet kinda deal.
| 30 January 2018 12:16

           | Unfortunately we have no control over this as we are using the embedded players from the various sites.
I know Spotify normalises everything. It`s shame they all don`t! |
| 26 January 2018 16:50

Wud Records
       | We sympathise and have had the same issues, although probably not to the same extent. All of our material is either mastered and available on Bandcamp, or normalised to 0dB at mp3 creation stage for unfinished works and demos and so on. Some tyro producers haven`t discovered this concept yet - the road is long after all - and others have blown their levels so high that their product is completely unlistenable. Wehn you come across something that is so radically different from standard, perhaps a gentle suggestion to a place where the producer can gain some knowledge and upskill themselves and perhaps attempt a remix might be in order. Unless there is some kind of brickwall limiting software or even hardware that will work somewhere just before the output stage of the signal chain on a standard computer or stereo amp... | |
30 January 2018 19:20

| Sometimes I get notifications that someone voted for one of my tracks but when I get to the notification detail screen at the https://www.atomcollectorrecords.com/beta/notifications.asp URL it sometimes displays an empty dark gray background image in the spot where the embedded player would show my track. It looks like this happens when the item voted on was a spotify playlist, but it is hard to tell. I am basing this guess on the URL that the "view all comments" link would take me too (it includes "playlist" as part of its URL parameter).
16 January 2018 19:58

| There seems to be some sort of anomaly regarding the various `Tweet` buttons around the site. Mostly the little blue graphic tweet box doesn`t appear, and when clicking on the hyperlink that is left behind, a new tab page opens rather than a new small tweet window, with a tweet that contains a link but the default ACR text associated with that tweet is missing. You can go back again to the page where you were before on the `back` button in the browser. Is this a Firefox thing or is anyone else having tweetage issues? We try to do a few tweets from the site every time we`re online and it doesn`t seem to be working as it once did for some reason.
30 January 2018 18:24

Dark Company
         | Interesting, we`re still having the issue. Maybe it`s our Firefox? Internet here is about 6x the speed of what we had in the uk and there`s some new superspeed broadband about 10 miles down the road which is heading our way later this year. Maybe there`s a cunning checkbox we missed on Twitter? Hmmm... |
| 30 January 2018 12:13

           | All seems fine here now. I believe this has to do with either a slow connection to the internet or a problem with the Twitter site. |
| 26 January 2018 16:51

Wud Records
       | Update: they all seem to be broken by now, such a shame as we`d love to tweet more direct from the ACR site. :-| | |
10 January 2018 16:56
| The first two times I tried to click the "Support AtomCollectorRecords.com For FREE" button I got a message that said it couldn`t be loaded. Then when I tried it a third time it played fine. Weird
30 January 2018 12:17

           | Thank you for trying. The Musicoin site is still in beta so it is a little temperamental! | |