29 January 2018 22:50

| Hi John, concerning the new Musicoin players, i don`t appear to have a way to add credits to my tracks. Or is it working in a different way to the other players. It`s also the case with my Playlist listing, but i thought that was a different system as well, as when someone plays a track, then a `1` comes up on the listing. How does the Musicoin player work if no credits?
30 January 2018 12:14

           | There is a dedicated credit type for Musicoin.
You will now see 3 different coloured discs denoting the 3 types of credits.
You will be earning Musicoin credits as you listen to Musicoin only.
Hope that makes sense? | |
29 January 2018 00:07

| How do I change the genre on a previously posted track?
30 January 2018 12:12

           | You have to delete it and add it again at the moment. | |
14 December 2017 13:09

| I have credits allocated to multiple soundcloud tracks. For the last couple days I`ve noticed my allocations get into a funky state where they sometimes say "Credits Unallocated: -1". This has not happened over the last month or so until very recently and it may coincide with me providing an example Spotify playlist so Atom Collector Records can test the new Spotify playlist feature under development. Just wanted you to know.
20 December 2017 13:00

       | Thanks for the info! |
| 16 December 2017 11:49

           | Thanks. This can happen sometimes when you are allocating credits to tracks. You shouldn`t have lost any credits it just sometimes lets you allocate more than you have!
Once you earn a few more credits everything should settle back down. | |
22 December 2017 08:59

| Hi John, the same problem as before has started again..my screen is too small for the ACR app, the "next" button is off screen and almost un clickable. S.
26 November 2017 01:16

| There`s a small percentage of my votes that act like I`ve already voted. I get a "close" popup instead of a "Your vote has been registered - Tweet" popup. It happens often enough that I`m pretty sure it`s not my brain forgetting the last 4 minutes of what I did (although that has been known to happen to me). I just hope the vote got registered no matter what the popup says.
20 December 2017 02:02

     | I notice it more when I comment right after the song ends and then try to vote |
| 11 December 2017 05:48

           | Yes I have noticed this as well occasionally. It`s hard to track down! |
| 02 December 2017 22:05

     | halfway thru a 5 min song I comment and try to vote. Vote just brings up the "close" popup. Voting definitely has a sporadic bug. Doing this on a Mac with Firefox. No-one else is seeing this problem? |
| 27 November 2017 23:11

     | Maybe I`m not voting soon enough. Used to be I could vote after the tune ended. Now it`s like a game where I can only vote in the allotted time between 60 secs and end of song. I guess listening while doing other tasks are when I can`t vote. Fortunately comments always take. Any way to extend after song voting time? | |
16 December 2017 11:50

| There was a bug in the new Spotify playlist feature which meant credits weren`t getting allocated correctly after listening for 20 minutes.
This has now been fixed.
Sorry about that, it was my bad maths!! :P
25 November 2017 01:24

| 3 of my 7 Fanburst track wont accept a credit change (+/-). They show up and play fine in “View Track & Comments. It`s a small bug, cause everything else on this site works marvelously for me!
Error updating credits. Can`t find record with ID=4273, URL=fanburst.com/swivelable/luis-dÃas-yipeta/embed Error updating credits. Can`t find record with ID=4273, URL=fanburst.com/swivelable/luis-dÃas-borracho/embed Error updating credits. Can`t find record with ID=4273, URL=fanburst.com/swivelable/luis-dÃas-palo-de-san-juan-ae-mateo-ae/embed
13 December 2017 02:42

     | We all grew up speaking jibberish, why have we forgotten how to decipher it! According to us in us so called Americans, English is supposed to be the only language. How dare they mess up my credit updating with something so unamerican. My vote is still for the magic coed workers |
| 11 December 2017 05:47

           | Good to hear. I was just about to say that it may be a difficult fix due to the non-English characters! :-) |
| 11 December 2017 03:26

     | Better than recourse! All fixed and updating perfectly. Nice! Thanks magic code workers. |
| 03 December 2017 16:11

     | Is my only recourse to delete these tracks & start over? |
| 26 November 2017 01:16

     | Interestingly Another Fanburst track image "fanburst.com/swivelable/opc-that-sound/embed " does not show up in MyDetails or the View Track page, but it does accept credits. | |
12 November 2017 17:12
| Sorry to post in lobby:Is anyone having trouble with sound cloud only playing 9 seconds of songs then stopping?
14 November 2017 23:03 0 | Cool I will give that a try. I really appreciate your getting back to me! |
| 14 November 2017 11:02

           | Seems to be happening a lot: https://soundcloudcommunity.com/desktop-230066/tracks-play-for-9-seconds-then-stop-7387281 |
| 14 November 2017 11:01

           | Unfortunately this is outside of my control as the SoundCloud embedded player is run by SoundCloud.
However as a workaround what you could do is click on the song name and it will play on SoundCloud instead. You will still get your credit after 60 seconds. |
| 13 November 2017 12:53

   | Yes!!! I was going to ask the same question. It only happens when listening to Soundcloud, sometimes it will play the whole song if I select a genre and press `go` but not often. Have asked JuxtaJohn about this but he doesn`t know what`s causing this. I thought it might be a problem with my computer. This is ruining my listening experience as I`m not on here solely to collect credits. When it was playing properly, I discovered some great songs and Artists. Any ideas? | |
21 November 2017 13:58
| Hi folks. I just received this message in an email:
"GREAT NEWS! One of your SoundCloud, Spotify, BandCamp, ReverbNation, YouTube or FanBurst tracks has been played so much that it is now running low on credits. Unfortunately it will soon be removed from play rotation. Visit http://www.AtomCollectorRecords.com now and listen to some awesome new music to earn more credits. Remember to go to the `My Details` area to allocate the credits to your track so that it can start to be played again."
When I checked my track, it shows that I still have the original credits, so no one has listened yet. Any idea why I got this message? Is it just a robo-email that has nothing to do with my specific track? Thanks.
24 November 2017 13:40

           | It`s semi-automated and happens if you have any tracks with 0 credits on them.
I`m looking to improve the notification system in the future. | |
16 November 2017 01:11

| Tunes are "skipping" like some scratched CD and - yes I know ya know - stops at 9 sec. Then - usually - after a few trials of getting to the next tune, the system logs me out too! Sad to think that happens to our songs as well.
To make it a 2 in 1 moan: I still can`t make this thing to play a set of songs. I do listen to these artists here, some songs I enjoy - hey, even looking forwart to them - but sitting front of a screen (and hopping like a fucking bunny) to press "next" is not really rock n roll and is annoying, `specially when one would be doing something else while listening to indipendent music. So mostly after 20 odd minutes I kinda get bored and put youtube or even a CD album on.
If it could be fixed it would be nice! Cheers!