13 November 2017 09:00
| I had to pause a track I listened to and when I came back and pressed Next, I got a point, although I didn`t listen for whole 60 seconds. This site is, for me at least, an amazing opportunity to be heard and to discover new music. I guess this bug is not such a big deal, but some people can take advantage of this. Thanks!
14 November 2017 11:12

           | I have thought a lot about this and to be honest it is no different than someone just clicking mute so it`s not something I will look at trying to fix as I would rather concentrate on new features (it`s quite complicated to code too!).
There will always be people that are only interested in getting their music played and not actually enjoying other people`s creations but I like to believe there are enough of us that actually enjoy discovering new music for it not to matter too much. | |
18 October 2017 09:31
| A minor bug spotted - if I go to read new notifications and click on "View all comments" under a Spotify track it opens a new tab with a soundcloud embed ad invalid soundcloud url :)
02 November 2017 15:41

           | oops! Will fix this at some point. | |
21 October 2017 21:46
| Soundcloud embedded "Like" button not working on the listening page. Click the heart and it briefly changes to organge, then back to black. Verified on SC that the like was not registered there. Seems to be the last couple of weeks or so.
02 November 2017 11:49

           | Unfortunately it`s a SoundCloud bug that is outside of my control. | |
13 October 2017 15:47
| I just don`t get it. I`m trying to upload a track using the Share:Embed code, as I`ve always done. I`ve tried it both several times yesterday and again today. Thinking that something might`ve been down or out of order on the site the other day I tired it again just now it still wouldn`t get posted. So what`s up with this?
16 October 2017 17:08

           | woof! |
| 14 October 2017 16:20
    | Today it worked so you can call off the dogs (I`m not comparing you to a dog John! l,l,l) | |
23 September 2017 18:35

| https://www.atomcollectorrecords.com/beta/listen2.asp?s=1 on dreams ward sound cloud link i was taken my own soundcloud stats page
17 August 2017 16:07

| I find it quite annoying that I have to click on this message everytime I add credits to a song. It takes me much more time than before. I liked it much better the way it was before? Why has it been changed?
19 September 2017 16:32

           | Are you finding it better now Raven? The message auto-closes and you can choose to hide the embedded players.
The reason for the change was it was taking too long for the page to reload after allocating credits if you had a lot of tracks across multiple platforms.
I still plan to make the credit allocation better though! |
| 17 August 2017 16:13

          | And the way "My Details looks now, is less clearly than before. It was so much easier to get the overview before. Whats the reason for this change? | |
10 September 2017 01:41

| What`s the fix for "Credits Unallocated: -164" I think I had about 50 when I left this morning (hard to tell when they don`t update without refreshing) so somehow over 200 credits were taken from me today. Thanks
12 September 2017 01:59

     | I guess a hack means you`ve reached the big time. Even the bad guys are paying attention to you. Here`s to the fix and the log keeping them at bay.
That was an amazing quick rebound from the problem. I hope the other situation you were dealing with at the same time has also resolved.
Thanks for generously fixing my negativity, I shall try to be positive from now on! No complaints from me, just respect. |
| 11 September 2017 14:37

           | So as you know from the chat I have put in a possible fix but also added detailed logging so if this happens again it will be easier to identify.
I`m going to look into why your credits are so negative though.
Sorry about this but as it`s only little old me developing the site we are bound to have a few hiccups along the way.
Thank you for your continued support! |
| 11 September 2017 13:36

     | Sorry about this hack, life keeps us busy enough without having others trying to undo our hard work. Glad you have the know-how to undo the damage.
At this point seems like I`ll have to listen to 230 songs and then after I get unallocated above 0 click 130 times to get my song credits back to my usual 6 per track. |
| 10 September 2017 03:20

     | Individual song credits allotted are working, but I only have the choice to delete points, which then adds positively to the negative total (as does playing songs). So the mechanics are working, but the tally is inverted. No Difference between Firefox & Chrome; restarting browser doesn`t help. | |
17 August 2017 22:08

| Might want to fix the open graph image for Facebook, their linter rejects it as being too large. Facebook shares of any url from this site therefore do not pull in a featured image. See here (facebook url linter) :
11 September 2017 14:41

           | Ah! I wondered why the image was missing sometimes but not others! I will fix this immediately! Thank you! |
| 17 August 2017 22:10

Mystic Tape Deck
    | If this site were not written in asp I would gladly volunteer my services but alas, I am a LAMP stack guy :( | |
08 September 2017 15:39
| lots of stops & starts on music from sites OTHER than SC
28 August 2017 18:21

| The twitter links for reverb and bandcamp i saw were missint the H in the http, at least on the shouts bout me.... both were vote links